Client Ray-Ban.

Case study 01.
Consumer engagement on multiple levels.
“Never Hide” consumer engagement campaign. Location USA. Vizeum North America was tasked by Ray-Ban to create a consumer engagement campaign across multiple channels, encouraging people to show their true colours or “Never Hide”.

Project / Since 2007, Ray-Ban has been telling consumers through its advertising campaigns to “Never Hide”. Last year, Ray-Ban wanted to increase consumer engagement in their latest campaign by taking their iconic “Never Hide” frame out of their advertisements and putting it into the hands of consumers by encouraging them to capture and share their “Never Hide” moments with the world. As part of the launch of this campaign, Vizeum, with the help of another Aegis Media network brand in North America, Team Epic, organized a huge outdoor party where they captured consumers’ “Never Hide” moments and uploaded them in real time to the client’s website. This event was duplicated at various music festivals nationwide, with the support of Posterscope, which arranged transportation for people to these festivals in client-branded buses. The campaign was further expanded by working with media partners to create custom print inserts which allowed readers to physically take a frame out of a magazine and use it to capture their “Never Hide” moments. These moments were shared by users via an app which provided useful event information and allowed them to view other people’s photos from the campaign.

Outcome for the client / The campaign led to over 30,000 app downloads, over 90,000 app users and supported a 16% year-on-year increase in sales – a 5th year of double digit growth for the brand.