The Importance of Aflac’s Trusted Brand
Aflac has been, and continues to be, a trusted brand in Japan. We have been able to
leverage our brand through innovative advertising campaigns in our efforts to drive
sales. Our advertising stands out in what has become an increasingly crowded and
competitive market, especially within the medical insurance arena. In 2003, Aflac
Japan began using the Aflac Duck, and its popularity continues to resonate with
consumers today.
Aflac Japan continues to create separate and unique spin-off characters
related to the Aflac Duck to market specific products and help drive sales. Most
recently, we introduced an advertising campaign in Japan featuring a new character
called “Hajimete,” or “Pioneer,” Duck to promote New Cancer DAYS, our most recent
product offering. This character was developed to remind customers that Aflac was
the “pioneer” of cancer insurance in Japan. This campaign follows several years of
success with other characters created to promote Aflac Japan-specific products. In
2009, the first character combined the Aflac Duck with the traditional Japanese cat
character called Maneki Neko to promote a new medical product.
Aflac Japan created “
or “
,” Duck to promote our
New Cancer DAYS product. This
character reminds customers that
Aflac was the pioneer of cancer
insurance in Japan.