The following year Vibroplant made its biggest UK
acquisition with the buy out from the SGB Group of
Groundforce. The takeover more than doubled the
size of its trench shoring business, bringing with it
additional technical expertise and a well-recognised
brand name that is still retained today. Groundforce
is now the UK’s leading rental provider of a range
of specialist construction solutions, including
excavation support, piling, pipe stoppers, trenchless
technology, pumps and temporary bridges. It is
acknowledged as the market and technological
leader, setting new standards and working with
some of Europe’s leading contractors. While
Groundforce represented another good deal it was
not all plain sailing for Vibroplant.
By 1993 the business had expanded so rapidly
it was in danger of straining its capital base. Some
rethinking was essential to pull everything back into
line, deal with the effects of the recession, and
respond to the pressure on American operations
from regional economic problems.
Vibroplant took another good hard look at itself.
The need to re-focus and implement strategic
changes required time not knee jerk reactions. After
all, this was a company that had survived many
challenges and had much to be proud of. In 1994
the company celebrated 40 years in business and 21
years as a public company. Having done its research,
Vibroplant introduced a series of radical changes.