In mid-1982, Vibroplant made a strategic investment that was to
pay huge dividends. It bought Florida Hi-Lift Corporation, a young
American aerial platform rental company based in Tampa,
Florida. There were two distinct benefits to the acquisition.
At that time, the USA’s construction industry was ahead of
the UK’s in terms of adopting powered access equipment, giving
Vibroplant the opportunity to explore ideas for the home
market. Equally important, buying Hi-Lift gave it a stake in the
huge but fragmented US rental market.
Once Vibroplant had made its mark there was no stopping
its growth strategy. In December 1986 it acquired Georgia Hi-Lift.
There followed, in quick succession, a number of further
By the end of the decade the company’s Stateside
operations were known collectively as American Hi-Lift. The
organisation, stretching across 12 States via a network of 26
locations, became one of the top five rental businesses in the
US with annual revenues approaching $100m. But this highly
impressive achievement was not at the expense of the UK side
of the business. Back home things were ticking over nicely and
Airpac in particular was doing well.
A gas powered scissor lift
platform used by the Dallas
Cowboys football team to
help in the video taping of
practice sessions
(above left)
American Hi-Lift South was
selected as the primary
aerial supplier in the
construction of the new
home for American
football’s Atlanta Falcons
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