Kanazawa Minami Post Office
Employees at the Kanazawa Minami Post Office perform many
duties, including selling postal products, financial products
and insurance products such as Aflac’s cancer policy.
, manager at the Kanazawa Minami Post Office, has
been working for post offices for 25 years. He is in charge of the
savings and insurance business at the post office. He receives
requests each day for advice from customers and passionately
believes that it is an honor and a privilege to offer solutions to his
customers to reduce their anxiety for the money necessary for
retirement and illness, such as cancer.
About offering Aflac’s cancer insurance, he said:
“It is my great
pleasure to provide customers with solutions to ease their anxiety.
Among the products we offer, cancer insurance is the one to which
our customers are most thankful and appreciative. Recently, there
have been more opportunities to talk about preparations for
cancer. This disease frequently requires that Japanese citizens
bear a large out-of-pocket expense for long-term outpatient
treatment as well as pay for medical care that is not covered
by Japan’s national health care system. I strive to think of each
customer from the perspective of what would I suggest for my
father, mother, brothers and sisters. I have, and will continue, to
work hard and do a good deed each day by offering Aflac’s cancer
insurance as a truly beneficial solution for my customers.”
We believe that by joining forces, both Aflac Japan and Japan Post have the
opportunity to enhance their synergies and provide cancer products to a large group
of consumers who regularly rely upon postal outlets to help with their insurance needs.
Valuable Products That Respond to Consumers’ Needs
For many years, Japan has experienced rising health care costs, an aging population
and declining birthrate. While Japan’s citizens are covered by a national health care
insurance system that provides a baseline level of medical insurance for its citizens,
it does not cover all of its citizens’ medical-related expenses. Over the last three
decades, more out-of-pocket health care expenses have been shifted to Japanese
consumers. For example, when Aflac entered Japan in 1974, there were no copay-
ments for medical services for most citizens. Over the years, Japanese citizens have
gradually been required to take on more financial responsibility for their medical care.
Under Japan’s national health care system, most consumers currently pay 30% of all
covered medical costs. Rising health care costs have driven the majority of Japanese
consumers to seek private insurance to help cover rising out-of-pocket expenses.
Aflac products provide options that millions of Japanese citizens continue to seek
as they cope with higher medical expenses.