Yuta Ietsuka – Aflac Parents House
“You have cancer,” are the devastating words no one – especially not a
teenager – ever expects to hear. But unfortunately those are the words the
oncologist was saying to
Yuta Ietsuka
pictured with his mother
) and his family
10 years ago when he was diagnosed at the tender age of 16. That diagnosis
meant it would be necessary for Yuta to leave the picturesque and familiar
mountain town of Kamisuwa in Japan’s Nagano prefecture to undergo a series
of treatments in Tokyo, which is about three hours away by train. Yuta is no
stranger to taking on challenges; as an avid baseball player, he is used to
playing towin andwill accept nothing less. But hewould be in for the fight of his
life as he took on this dreaded disease. With sheer determination, outstanding
medical care, spirituality and support from friends, family and the Aflac Parents
House, he won his battle with cancer and remains in remission today. Even
while he was undergoing many difficult treatments, he remained optimistic
about his ability to recover. To provide comfort and encouragement for himself
and other patients staying at the hospital, he turned to music, another hobby
he is passionate about, and played his favorite red guitar.
Throughout a very challenging year of treatment in Tokyo, the encouraging
smiles and unending support of the staff at the Aflac Parents House helped
provide a setting where Yuta, his parents and two siblings could summon the
strength to overcome his treatment journey. Today, Yuta has grown up to be a successful, hard working young man who is living
his legacy of playing baseball and making music.
TheAflac ParentsHouseprovides cheerful and spacious accommodationswherepediatric patients and their families can stay together
in a home-away-from-home environment while they fight cancer or other serious diseases. Through generous donations from Aflac
Japan’s sales agents, employees and officers, three Parents House locations – two in Tokyo and one in Osaka – Aflac Japan is living
the legacy of helping thousands of children and adolescents battling health issues, while also supporting the families that love them.
Administrative Efficiency Improves Productivity, Service and Value
Paying claims accurately and promptly has always been, and continues to be,the corner-
stone of our business, and we are proud of the highest priority we place on being
there for our policyholders when they need us most. Our long-term drive to pay claims
accurately and promptly has further enhanced the relationship of trust we’ve built with
our customers over the years.
We continually strive to improve our administrative efficiency through technology.
When we began business in Japan in 1974, our systems were specifically built to admin-
ister third sector products, which are characterized by a large volume of low-premium
products. The administrative efficiencies we’ve gained through the years have enhanced
the value we deliver to customers.
Living Aflac’s Legacy
While we’ve achieved great success reaching consumers in Japan, we know there