In 1975, two years after the stock market launch, Geoffrey began
expanding into more specialist products to ensure Vibroplant
stayed ahead of the pack. His aptly-named Airpac Rentals
supplied high capacity air compressors for rock drilling and
industrial applications. It was so successful that within a year it
had branched out internationally and into the oil and gas sector.
Within two years Airpac was Europe’s leading supplier of
specialised compressors.
Domestically the picture was different. In 1976 the recession,
caused by the economic instability of the '70s, was beginning to
hit home. The Government adopted a policy of widespread
spending cuts and private construction projects began to suffer.
Geoffrey was open and honest and warned shareholders it would
be a difficult time for the company, though with a strong balance
sheet he could still afford to innovate.
In 1977, spotting another opportunity, Geoffrey formed
Portable Buildings. Another aptly-named specialist service, it dealt
with the demand for improved site facilities and temporary office
accommodation. It was another ingenious idea that immediately
took off.
On the face of it, whatever impact national difficulties had
on the construction industry and those involved in the sector,
Vibroplant was able to rise to all challenges. However, the
company was tested the following year when there was a
tragedy no-one could have foreseen.
Compair Holman 1200
high volume compressors
Schramm compressor
spread feeding boosters
at St Fergus, Scotland