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Corporate Governance

Shareholder Outreach

The Company has a long history of engaging shareholders to learn about the issues and

concerns that are important to them. We believe that open communications can have a positive

influence on our corporate governance practices. For example, we are proud to have been the

first publicly traded company in the United States to voluntarily allow shareholders a say-on-pay

vote. In keeping with this governance philosophy, we communicate with our shareholders on a

regular basis and incorporate their feedback into our decision-making process.

Director Independence

The Board of Directors annually assesses the independence of each Director nominee. Daniel

P. Amos, Paul S. Amos II, and Kriss Cloninger III are all employees of the Company. With the

exception of Thomas J. Kenny, due to fees paid for his previous role as a consultant to the

Board, the Board has determined that all of the other nominees are “independent” under New

York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) listing standards. None of the independent nominees has a

material relationship with the Company, either directly or as a partner, shareholder, or officer of

an organization that has a relationship with the Company. The Board made its determination

based on information furnished by all Directors regarding their relationships with the Company

and research conducted by management.

Board Leadership Structure

Daniel P. Amos has served as Chairman of the Board since 2001 and as CEO since 1990. The

Board believes the most effective Board leadership structure for the Company is for the CEO to

continue to serve as Chairman of the Board, working with a Lead Non-Management Director.

This structure has served the Company well for many years. The CEO is ultimately responsible

for the day-to-day operation of the Company and for executing the Company’s strategy, and

the performance of the Company is an integral part of Board deliberations. Accordingly, the

Board believes that Mr. Amos is the Director most qualified to act as Chairman. The Board

believes that Mr. Amos’ in-depth long-term knowledge of the Company’s operations and his

vision for the Company’s development provides decisive and effective leadership for the Board.

However, the Board retains the authority to modify this structure to best advance the interests

of all shareholders if circumstances warrant such a change.

The Board believes its existing corporate governance practices achieve independent oversight

and management accountability. These governance practices are reflected in the Company’s

Guidelines on Significant Corporate Governance Issues and the Committee charters. In particular:


a substantial majority of our Board members are independent;


the Audit and Risk, Compensation, and Corporate Governance Committees all comprise

independent Directors;


the Company has a Lead Non-Management Director with the responsibilities described

below; and


the Non-employee Directors meet at each regularly scheduled Board meeting in executive

session without management present.

Lead Non-Management Director

Douglas W. Johnson is currently the Lead Non-Management Director. The responsibilities of

the Lead Non-Management Director include:


consulting with the Chairman and Secretary to establish the agenda for each Board meeting;


setting the agenda for, and leading, all executive sessions of the Non-employee Directors;


when appropriate, discussing with the Chairman matters addressed at such executive



facilitating discussions, between Board meetings, among the Non-employee Directors;


serving as a liaison between the Non-employee Directors and the Chairman of the Board;


serving as a liaison between management and the Board;