Innovative Aflac Products Help Protect Consumers from Financial Burdens
Offering competitive and valued products has long been one of Aflac’s strengths.
Aflac policies provide cash benefits that can be used to help consumers cope
with out-of-pocket medical expenses, help cover household costs, or protect
against income and asset loss. We believe our portfolio of individual and group
products provides consumers with outstanding value while offering businesses the
opportunity to give their employees a valuable and comprehensive selection of
benefit solutions. We are focused on providing valuable, cost-effective products to
employees at businesses of all sizes.
In 2014, we sought creative solutions to the challenges consumers face by
introducing revised policies on both an individual and group basis. Among these,
we introduced a revised critical care and protection plan, a new guaranteed-issue
term-life product and a critical care rider that provides various benefits and can be
attached to three different stand-alone policies.
Hammie Ward III
, Aflac agent (
), and
Lauren Baker, D.C.
, licensed chiropractor,
have developed a long-lasting friendship
that illuminates the unique bonds that
form between Aflac agents and our policy-
holders. After being referred to Lauren’s
chiropractic office in early 2014, Hammie
and Lauren have established a profes-
sional relationship where they often refer
business to one another.
When Hammie became an Aflac agent
in 2004, he thought that he would only
be in the profession for a year. Ten years
later, being an Aflac agent has meant
more to him than just opportunity – it has
meant being a part of a supportive team
that has aided in his growth both profes-
sionally and personally. “When you love
what you do time flies by,” says Hammie.
“Aflac provides all of the support, tools and
training needed for you to be successful
and rewards you for your effort. You are
surrounded by an environment where you
feel appreciated and there are no limits to
your success.”
After hearing her mother discuss the
cash benefits from an accident and yearly
exams, Lauren became a policyholder
herself. “Thanks to Aflac, my mom now
remembers her checkups and it serves as
an incentive for her to go,” says Lauren.
“As a wellness and prevention advocate,
I believe wellness and prevention are
key to preventing sickness and disease
as well as improving the livelihood of
my patients. I have encouraged many of
my patients to get Aflac and have even
helped them fill out their claims forms. I
enjoy the fact that Aflac pays benefits for
these features and amproud to offer Aflac
products to my employees.”