IMI Annual Report & Accounts 2014 - page 26

Members of the IMI CCI RSM team with Carol Gamble,
Mayor of Rancho Santa Margarita, collecting their award.
Mark Selway
Chief Executive
IMI plc
Health & Safety
The health and safety of our employees is
paramount. We also have a duty to protect
other stakeholders, including our customers,
visitors and suppliers, who may be affected
by what we do and the surroundings in
which we operate.
During the year we made excellent progress
towards achieving world-class health and
safety performance for all operations. In
particular the lost time accident rate was
further reduced by 15%. Throughout 2014
over 100,000 hours were devoted to
HS&E training.
Across the Group, our divisional HS&E teams
continued to drive ongoing improvements by
focusing on root-cause investigations of near-
misses as well as accidents. A key component
of this work is the sharing of ideas and
experience around the Group. Following every
lost time accident, a safety alert is circulated
to all HS&E teams so they can learn from it
and avoid similar events at their sites.
In 2014, after a rigorous process we were
delighted that one of our facilities was
recognised for its work in this area. IMI CCI
RSM (RSM) in the USA received the California
Voluntary Protection Programme Cal/VPP
Star designation. RSM is one of only four
valve manufacturers in the USA to receive this
recognition, which is the highest bestowed
by the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA).
The award recognises both employers and
employees for implementing health and
safety programmes that go beyond minimal
standards and provide the best protection
against occupational hazards. RSM
is now considered a leader in their
industry and is exempt from Cal/OSHA
programmed inspections.
“Our ambition is for IMI to become a world-class business and
the leader in its chosen sectors – a truly great company that we
can all be proud of both for its business and the way we conduct
our business. And by ‘great’ we mean a company that thinks long-
term, delivers profitable sustainable growth, invests in its future,
is preferred by all stakeholders including employees, customers
and investors and at all times behaves responsibly.
At the heart of our approach to making IMI a great company is
The IMI Way which sets out our values - excellence, innovation,
integrity and collaboration - and embraces all our activities.
It covers the products and services we provide to customers,
our innovation and continuous improvement programmes and
the ongoing development of our people. It also addresses all
aspects of the way we do business and the impact we have on
the environment and the communities we operate within.”
Corporate Responsibility
Our approach
means taking what’s good
at IMI and transforming it into something
brilliant, life-changing, long-lasting and
“We deliver
solutions for our customers
tackling the world’s most demanding
engineering challenges.”
Our purpose
Our vision
Our mindset
Integrity Excellence Innovation Collaboration
Motivating values:
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