IMI Annual Report & Accounts 2014 - page 16

The Group currently operates in a number of attractive end markets and to achieve our
ambitions we must focus on those that offer the greatest potential in terms of delivering top
and bottom line growth. Our priority is to capitalise on those end markets where we already
are, or have the potential to be, in a leading position – markets where we can grow share
and markets where there are significant higher margin aftermarket opportunities.
Strategy in action
1. Capitalising on significant organic growth opportunities
Market and positioning
IMI plc
Oil & Gas
Petrochemical & Metals
Industrial Automation
Commercial Vehicle
Oil & Gas
Life Sciences
Balancing & Control
Thermostatic Control
Water Quality
We are the world
leading supplier of
engineered to order
turbine bypass valves
for critical applications in
conventional and nuclear
power plants – helping to
provide the safest, most
reliable and efficient power
2014 Revenue: £248m
In 2014, IMI Critical Engineering had £64m of other revenue.
We supply high
performance products
including valves, valve
islands, proportional
and pressure monitoring
controls and air
preparation products, as
well as a comprehensive
range of pneumatic
2014 Revenue: £426m
Our hydronic balancing
and control solutions
enable buildings to keep
comfort at the right level
and lift HVAC efficiency
by up to 30%. Our
expertise covers constant
and variable flow and
both static and dynamic
2014 Revenue: £148m
We supply anti-surge
valve and actuator
systems to the world’s
largest LNG compression
facilities. Our systems
are capable of ultra-fast
response to maximise
LNG production
while protecting the
2014 Revenue: £200m
We design and
manufacture a range
of cab, chassis and
powertrain solutions
which deliver fuel
efficiency, emissions
reduction and faster
assembly times for
the world’s leading
commercial vehicle
2014 Revenue: £163m
We design and
manufacture thermostatic
control systems which
guarantee direct or
automatic control of
radiators and underfloor
heating systems to
perfectly control individual
room temperatures.
2014 Revenue: £94m
We design and
manufacture integrated
flow control systems
for critical applications
in Fluid Catalytic
Cracking. We also supply
bespoke valves into the
ethylene, polypropylene
and delayed coking
production processes.
2014 Revenue: £144m
We offer a comprehensive
range of products which
deliver precision control
in even the harshest
environments, including
stainless steel valves and
regulators, nuclear class
valves and emergency
shutdown controls.
2014 Revenue: £74m
Reliable pressurisation is
a basic requirement for
a trouble-free operation
of heating, cooling and
solar systems. Our
robust range of pressure
maintenance systems
with compressors or
pumps and expansion
vessels maintains the right
pressure in the system at
all times.
2014 Revenue: £30m
We focus on the design
and production of
complete actuation
systems to operate
industrial valves for
the most demanding
applications and
processes in terms
of forces, speed
and accuracy.
2014 Revenue: £36m
We supply precision
flow control solutions
used in medical devices,
diagnostic equipment
and biotech and analytical
instruments. Our products
help to reduce the size
of equipment, while
enhancing accuracy,
throughput and fluid
control performance.
2014 Revenue: £47m
The single most
important component in
any hydronic system is
always water itself. When
compromised, the effects
can be felt throughout the
system. Our dirt and air
separators and pressure-
step degassers protect
the installation by keeping
water free of micro-
bubbles and sludge.
2014 Revenue: £12m
Almost £7bn addressable market
Attractive growth markets
Leadership position in power
and potential to achieve in other
key sectors
Barriers to entry provide excellent
opportunity in high margin
£14bn addressable market opportunity
Challenging competitive environment
Best in class returns but falling
market shares
Significant potential in Industrial
> Ieading brand
> high margins from aftermarket
£2bn addressable market opportunity
Low cyclicality due to resilience of
refurbishment markets
Leadership position in core North
European markets
Best in class returns but falling
market shares
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