Daniel P. Amos
, 63, chairman and chief executive officer of
Aflac and Aflac Incorporated, has been with the company full
time since 1973. He was named president of Aflac in 1983
and chief operating officer in 1987. He became chief executive
officer of Aflac Incorporated in 1990 and was named chairman
in 2001. He has been a member of Aflac Incorporated’s board
since 1983.
Paul S. Amos II
, 39, president of Aflac, joined Aflac in 2002
as state sales coordinator of Georgia-North Territory. He was
promoted to executive vice president in 2005 and assumed
additional responsibilities as chief operating officer of Aflac
U.S. in 2006. He was promoted to president of Aflac in 2007.
In 2013, he assumed reporting responsibilities for Aflac Japan
and Aflac’s Global Investment Division. He currently resides in
Tokyo, Japan, as he oversees the operation. He joined Aflac
Incorporated’s board in 2007.
W. Paul Bowers
, 58, chairman, president and chief executive
officer of Georgia Power. Prior to being named to his current
position, he was chief financial officer of Southern Company.
He has held executive leadership positions across Southern
Company in Southern Company Generation, Southern Power
and the company’s former U.K. subsidiary. He is the 2015
chairman of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and a member
of the Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited board of directors. He
was elected to Aflac Incorporated’s board in 2013.
Kriss Cloninger III
, 67, president and chief financial officer
of Aflac Incorporated, joined Aflac in 1992 as senior vice
president and chief financial officer after working with Aflac as
a consulting actuary since 1977. He was named president of
Aflac Incorporated and elected to its board in 2001.
Elizabeth J. Hudson
, 65, chief communications officer for
the National Geographic Society, previously held similar
positions with iVillage, the Reader’s Digest Association and
NBC. She was also previously a director in Spencer Stuart’s
Media & Communication Practice. She joined
Aflac Incorporated’s board in 1990.
Douglas W. Johnson
, 71, certified public accountant and
retired Ernst & Young LLP audit partner, has spent the majority
of his career auditing companies in the life, health and
property/casualty segments of the insurance industry.
He joined Aflac Incorporated’s board in 2003.
Robert B. Johnson
, 70, retired from his position at Porter
Novelli in 2014, at which he had been senior advisor since
2003. He was formerly chairman and CEO of the One America
Foundation (an organization that promotes dialogue and
solidarity among Americans of all races). He also previously
served in President Clinton’s White House as an assistant to
the president and director of the president’s initiative for One
America. He has been on Aflac Incorporated’s board since 2002.
Thomas J. Kenny
, 51, has served as a TIAA-CREF trustee
since December 2011. He also currently serves as the chair
of the TIAA-CREF Funds Investment Committees as well as
the TIAA-CREF Funds Operations Committees. Prior to his
role at TIAA-CREF, he held a variety of leadership positions
at Goldman Sachs. He was appointed to Aflac Incorporated’s
board in 2015.
Charles B. Knapp
, 68, is president emeritus of the University of
Georgia. Earlier in his career, he served as U.S. deputy assistant
secretary of labor in the Carter Administration. He also served
as executive vice president and chief financial officer of Tulane
University. He joined Aflac Incorporated’s board in 1990.
Barbara K. Rimer
, DrPH, 66, dean and alumni distinguished
professor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings
School of Global Public Health, was previously director of the Division
of Cancer Control and Population Sciences at the National Cancer
Institute. She is a former director of Cancer Control Research and
professor of Community and Family Medicine at the Duke University
School of Medicine. She was elected to the Institute of Medicine in
2008 and was appointed chair of the President’s Cancer Panel in
2011. She joined Aflac Incorporated’s board in 1995.
Melvin T. Stith
, 68, dean emeritus of the Martin J. Whitman
School of Management at Syracuse University, was also
previously dean and Jim Moran Professor of Business
Administration at Florida State University. Since 1977, he has
maintained his role as professor of marketing and business after
serving in the U.S. Military Intelligence Command and achieving
the rank of captain. He was elected to Aflac Incorporated’s board
in 2012.
D. Gary Thompson
, 68, retired executive vice president of
Wachovia Corporation and retired chief executive officer of
Georgia Banking, Wachovia Bank, N.A., currently serves on the
board of directors for Georgia Power Company, a subsidiary of
the Southern Company He was elected to Aflac Incorporated’s
board in 2005.
Takuro Yoshida
, 62, chairman of Nippon Tochi-Tatemono Co.,
Ltd., previously served as president of Nippon Tochi-Tatemono
Co., Ltd. Prior to this, he served as executive vice president
and operating officer. From 2005 through early 2009, he
served in various positions, including executive director, senior
operating officer, central branch manager and operating officer
of Mizuho Bank, Ltd., part of Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., which
was formed in a merger between his former employer, Dai-
ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd., and two other banks. He held various
positions at Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd., which he joined in 1976.
He was first elected to Aflac Incorporated’s board in 2010.