Daniel P. Amos
(see facing page)
Kriss Cloninger III
(see facing page)
Paul S. Amos II
(see facing page)
Kenneth S. Janke
, 56, executive vice president; deputy chief
financial officer, Aflac Incorporated, joined Aflac Incorporated
as manager of Investor Relations in 1985. He was promoted to
senior vice president in 1993 and to executive vice president;
deputy chief financial officer of Aflac Incorporated in 2010.
In July 2013, he assumed the additional role of president,
Aflac U.S., before returning full-time to the deputy CFO role in
September 2014. Prior to joining Aflac, he served as director
of Corporate Services for the National Association of Investors
Corporation (NAIC).
Charles D. Lake II
, 53, president, Aflac International; chairman,
Aflac Japan, joined Aflac International in February 1999 and
Aflac Japan in June 1999. Prior to his current position, he
served as vice chairman and president of Aflac Japan. Before
joining Aflac, he was director of Japan Affairs at the office of
the U.S. Trade Representative in the executive office of the
president, and he practiced law in Washington, D.C.
Teresa L. White
, 48, president, Aflac U.S., joined Aflac
in 1998. She has served in various leadership roles within
Administration and Sales Support leading to her current
position in September 2014 where she is responsible for
driving seamless strategy and execution across Aflac’s U.S.
operations, including oversight and support of the company’s
extensive insurance distribution network of individual agents and
brokers across the country. Teresa is an alumnus of Leadership
Columbus and is a fellow of the Life Management Institute.
Susan R. Blanck
, 48, executive vice president, Aflac and
Aflac Japan; corporate actuary, Aflac, joined Aflac’s Actuarial
Department in 1993. She has served in various leadership
positions leading to her promotion to her current position
where she works on Aflac Japan’s strategic marketing and
corporate initiatives as well as Japan product development,
while continuing in her capacity as corporate actuary. She
is a fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a member of the
American Academy of Actuaries.
Eric M. Kirsch
, 54, executive vice president and global chief
investment officer, joined Aflac in 2011 and is responsible
for overseeing the company’s investment efforts, including
Aflac’s investment portfolio and its investment team. He is
a chartered financial analyst and former chairman of the
Stable Value Investment Association. Eric is also a trustee
of the Jersey Shore University Medical Center Foundation.
Daniel J. Lebish
, 60, executive vice president and chief
operating officer of Aflac Group Insurance, joined Aflac in 2013
and oversees the day-to-day operating activities, performance
goals and strategic initiatives of Aflac Group Insurance. His
role expanded in 2014 to also include individual operations
in Columbus and management of the U.S. broker channel.
Prior to Aflac, he was executive vice president at Highmark
Blue Cross Blue Shield, serving as CEO of two of their national
subsidiaries, HM Insurance Group and United Concordia
Dental. He spent the first 15 years of his career in executive
positions in the health care delivery market.
Audrey Boone Tillman
, 50, executive vice president and
general counsel, Aflac Incorporated joined Aflac in 1996
in Aflac’s Legal department. She was promoted to vice
president; senior associate counsel, Legal, in 2000; to senior
vice president; director, Human Resources in 2008; and to
executive vice president, Corporate Services in 2011. She was
promoted to her current role in May 2014 where she oversees
Compliance, Legal, General Counsel of Aflac International,
Corporate Communications, Federal Relations, Government
Relations and the Office of the Corporate Secretary.
Hiroshi Yamauchi
, 63, president and chief operating officer,
Aflac Japan, joined Aflac in 1976 and served in the Actuarial
Department as section manager and assistant general
manager. He was promoted to general manager in the Policy
Maintenance Department in 1998, to vice president in 1999
and to first senior vice president in 2002. In January 2012,
he was promoted to executive vice president and assumed
his current position as president and chief operating officer
of Aflac Japan in January 2015.
Koji Ariyoshi
, 61, executive vice president; director of
Sales and Marketing, Aflac Japan, joined Aflac as senior
vice president responsible for sales planning in 2008. Since
then, he has managed various departments, including Retail
Marketing, Alliance Management and Hojinkai Promotion. He
was promoted to his current position in January 2012. Before
joining Aflac, he worked for Alico Japan as vice president and
for AXA Life Insurance as senior vice president.
Masatoshi Koide
, 54, executive vice president, planning and
research, risk management, compliance, Aflac Japan, originally
joined Aflac in November 1998 and stayed with Aflac until
March 2006. He worked for Nikko Asset Management before
he joined Aflac again in December 2008 as vice president. He
was promoted to senior vice president in January 2012 and to
first senior vice president in July 2013. He was promoted to his
current position in January 2015. He is a member of the New
York State Bar.
Jun Isonaka
, 57, first senior vice president, sales, Aflac
Japan, joined Aflac in 1980 and served as general manager
in various marketing and sales departments from 1999
through 2001. He was promoted to vice president in 2002
and to senior vice president in January 2007. He became
chief administrative officer in January 2010 and was
promoted to his current position in January 2012.
John A. Moorefield
, 53, first senior vice president; chief
transformation officer, Aflac Japan, joined Aflac in 2005 and
has held several key positions, including senior vice president,
Strategic Management for Aflac International, and chief
information officer of Aflac Japan. Prior to joining Aflac, he
served as a principal in ApproxiCom, LLC and held executive
leadership positions at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young LLP, Fidelity
Investments and NationsBank, where he was responsible for
technology strategy and delivery of information architecture
and systems. He assumed his current position in January 2015.