Aflac Worldwide Headquarters
1932 Wynnton Rd.
Columbus, GA 31999
tel: 706.323.3431
in the U.S. with
questions about individual
stock accounts
Shareholder Services
tel: 706.596.3581 or 800.227.4756
shareholder@aflac.comInstitutional investors
questions about the company
Robin Y. Wilkey
Senior Vice President,
Investor and Rating Agency Relations
tel: 706.596.3264 or 800.235.2667
David A. Young
Second Vice President,
Investor and Rating Agency Relations
tel: 706.596.3264 or 800.235.2667
Rating agencies
with questions
about the company
Delia H. Moore
Rating Agency and Investor Relations
tel: 706.596.3264 or 800.235.2667
Individual/retail shareholders
with questions about the
Daniel A. Bellware
Senior Manager,
Investor Relations
tel: 706.596.3264 or 800.235.2667
Information requests
such as
Form 10-K, quarterly earnings
releases and other financial
Investor Relations
tel: 706.596.3264 or 800.235.2667
tel: 800.992.3522
(en Español, tel: 800.742.3522)
Aflac Japan
Shinjuku Mitsui Building
2-1-1, Nishishinjuku
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
163-0456, Japan
Ichiro Murakami aflac.co.jp
General Manager,
Aflac Japan Investor Relations Support Office
This 2014 Year in Review contains forward-looking statements based on expectations, estimates and
projections as of the date of this report. These cautionary statements by their nature are subject to risks,
uncertainties and assumptions, and are influenced by various factors. As a consequence, actual results may
differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. Aflac undertakes no obligation to
update such forward-looking statements. For more information, see “Item 7. Management’s Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Forward-Looking Information” in Aflac’s Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Communicorp,Aflac’s printing and communications subsidiary,
has received Forest Stewardship Council
(FSC) certification.This
chain-of-custody certification is part of a not-for-profit organization
program that brings people together to find solutions and reward
good forest management.
© 2015 Aflac Incorporated.All rights reserved.
is a registered trademark of American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus.
One Day Pay
is a service mark of American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus.